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This page was last edited on 31 August , at If you see '64bit' , try reinstalling python with the 32bit version look for the "Python 2. This article or section may contain out-of-date information. Improving the question-asking experience. I used the full SDK version, copied to install dir, set all the paths required, and it worked without issue. Post as a guest Name. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. mapnik 2.2.0

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I think Windows binary support for mapnik has been dropped so I don't expect much change here. I managed to install the 2.

Installing Mapnik in windows 7 with Python - Stack Overflow

What entrypoint it was looking for I do not know. This example was generated on a Windows Ampnik machine, set up in accordance with the instructions given on this Wiki.

I've been trying to install mapnik on my computer for hours but what i always get when I import mapnik is ImportError: Confusio Confusio 43 5 5 bronze badges. However, Googling around seems to suggest it should also work on 64 bit installation as e.

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Mapnik Example - OpenStreetMap Wiki

This code calls up the Mspnik XML stylesheet heath. This article or section may contain out-of-date information. Traceback most recent call last: I had this problem as well, even after I installed a bit Python. Joan Natalie Joan Natalie 2 2 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. The information is no longer correct, or no longer has relevance. It only takes a minute to sign up. How do we handle problem users?

Mapnik Example

This package comes with postgreSQL 9. Windows 7 or 10? You need both c: Sign up using Email and Password.

The currently installed software is Geoserver from Opengeo suite. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy 22.0, Privacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

How do we handle problem users? My Python version is 2. After following the usual install guide, when trying to import mapnik I get the following error: I am installing Mapnik v2.

mapnik 2.2.0

Active 3 years ago. This page was last edited on 31 Augustat I'm using Windows 7. If you see '64bit'try reinstalling python with the 32bit version look for the "Python 2.

I assume there was some DLL-hell type action going on and it was linking to a DLL somewhere with the same name but without that entrypoint.

mapnik 2.2.0

Sign up using Facebook. Did you download the 'runtime package' or 'Full SDK' version? Out of date Outdated technical guide. You will have to set up a local directory to hold.

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