Sunday, 8 December 2019


This is not the sole fault of the album. Streaming and Download help. Folk-influenced heavy metal; as the title suggests, this LP is all about home, described through landscapes, literature and paintings. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings by Thrawsunblat. surturs lohe vor walvaters thron

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Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 15, Or browse results titled:. Tags black metal metal viking folk pagan Meiningen.

surturs lohe vor walvaters thron

The vocals are sometimes clean and sometimes harsh, alternating between the proud Norse style and a rawer Black Thdon approach. Folk-influenced heavy metal; as the title suggests, this LP is all about home, described through landscapes, literature and paintings.

Surturs Lohe - Vor Walvaters Thron - Reviews - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Write your own review. The vocal transition occurs too often, though, and the band betrays its best, most emotive melodies by excessive use of vocals. If you like Surturs Lohe, you may also like:.

surturs lohe vor walvaters thron

The main riff resembles Speed Metal more than viking-themed Black Metal, and the lyrical content is very good: It also tends to get repetitive, and it seems that many of the riffs and structures are recycled throughout the songs. The Hunt by Ulvesang.

Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 15, go to album. Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 18, go to album. Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings by Thrawsunblat. With the exception of the two best tracks, you might as well go buy Menhir's Thuringia. Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher.

Bands alphabetical country wakvaters Labels alphabetical country Reviews R.

Surturs Lohe - Vor Walvaters Thron - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Voor pace of the compositions is seldom varied. Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 10, This is not the case, however, walvatets the album's best songs, especially the final track, 'Ewige Hallen', in which the opposing vocal styles compliment each other perfectly and fit into the groove of the song. Epic full-length debut is a superbly crafted, black metal LP blending choirs, strings, wailing guitars, and soaring vocals. The album fails to really grab the listener and take him along for a ride.

SURTURS LOHE — Vor Walvaters Thron

Surturs Lohe Meiningen, Germany. Vor Walvaters Thron Surturs Lohe. Streaming and Download help. Vor Walvaters Thron was made in the same vein in fact, the band hails from Thuringia, Germanybut it is unfortunately a less spirited release. Vor Walvaters Thron by Surturs Lohe. If you like Surturs Lohe, you may also like: Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 18, Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 10, go to album.

Folk music that reaches to the past, connecting to yesteryear while unearthing primordial magic. This is not the sole fault of the album. Surturs Lohe sound like their countrymen and contemporaries, Menhir, with striking similarities in many of the melody lines.

Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. The Seattle band is optimized for one thing, and one thing alone:

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